Serafino T-Shirt

Colors: Blu Navy


The use of this garment is recommended for the well-being of the trunk as it helps to optimize the
peripheral microcirculation of the affected area, relieving psychophysical stress, the feeling of tiredness
and fatigue. It contributes to a rapid recovery in athletes and in those who carry out jobs that involve
heavy physical activity. It promotes body thermoregulation and the elimination of fluids excess. In all the
aforementioned cases, the use of Xenia garments does not exclude or replace what is medically


Additional information


Xenia garments and devices are made from technologically advanced fabrics and yarns, additivated with ceramic powders capable of reflecting far infrared, also known as FIR. Those in the far-infrared are biocompatible frequencies, that is, they are compatible with all living organisms and induce a resonance effect with water called the "heat effect," due to which microcirculation is optimized.